In The I0 Experience, we don’t just focus on one aspect of life, we work on all of it!
Enjoying life, being charismatic, having calm authority, the xillionaire mindset, developing maturity, commanding respect, amplifying your self-worth and personal power, being unconditionally loving & compassionate, and more…
We even work on being “a good person”, a lost ideal in the modern world. We replace being “good” with being conscientious — living in integrity and alignment with your soul, the present moment, and your highest purpose.
And that's not all!
Our primary tenets are:
Starts on 09/09.
Early registration bonuses include free premium content and discounts on premium plans.
The Academy provides regular trainings, along with a space for you to practically apply these teachings and receive support to integrate these lessons in your daily life, alongside a community of souls who resonate with The I0 Way.
Just like our philosophy, our trainings are "all over the place".
We combine a wide variety of methods including transmissions and activations, while also incorporate elements of coaching, therapy, energy healing, shamanism, physical movements, breathwork, reflexology, auto-massage, hypnosis, and various other spiritual practices.
With this we nurture and nourish your mind, body, heart, soul, spirit, and the mystical void.
This is the primary intention of The I0 Academy: Living in Higher Consciousness through Self & Spiritual Mastery to make the mundane life a magical, fulfilling, inspired experience that is fueled with nonstop passion and vitality, with balanced doses of lightness, humor, and playfulness, while having massive impact to create a world of abundance, love, joy, and peace.